New Villas

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At CV Villas we are constantly on the look out for unique and wonderful new properties to add to our portfolio.

welcome to the collection

Our latest villa collection contains more exceptional properties than ever before, and we are excited to share with you our selection of new villas added to destinations including France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Morocco, Croatia, the Caribbean, Sri Lanka and, where it all started, Greece. As our portfolio continues to grow, our philosophy of hand-picking and visiting every villa remains strong, this growth simply allows us to offer a wider variety of options to our customers.

what's new?

Let us tell you a little bit more about some of our new properties. Take, for example a perfectly private property in Corfu set in the hills up over Kassiopi, with far reaching views across the sea to the mountains of Albania. Over in Turkey, we are featuring a brand new 5 bedroom villa; home to an impressive infinity pool with breathtaking views overlooking the bay of Kalkan.