Masseria il Papavero
Puglia, Italy
- Splendid beaches nearby
- Great choice for two families
- Very private, yet short drive to shops and restaurants
From £2,487 per week
A self-catering villa holiday offers more flexibility than other types of getaway. There are no restrictions when it comes to meal times, meaning you can enjoy your holiday entirely at your own pace; dining whenever you choose. Visit local markets to collect the freshest ingredients, or provide us with a shopping list and we'll arrange for your groceries to be ready and waiting for your arrival. With many wonderful kitchens - from country house to contemporary, built-in barbecues, pizza ovens and the like, cooking for yourselves is all part of the fun.
That said, foodies on holiday are likely to want to sample local cuisine such as mezze at traditional tavernas in Corfu, or fresh lobster tail on the beachfront in Antigua. So it’s important to know that self-catering does not mean always cooking for yourselves, simply that all the facilities are there should you choose to eat any of your meals within the privacy of your luxury villa; think brunch out on the terrace and long dinners under the stars. Eating some of your holiday meals at your villa is very appealing to those looking to enjoy precious family time away from other holidaymakers, while large groups of friends often alternate between dining in and out, sharing the in-villa cooking and cleaning, which can also be very cost effective and much easier than splitting the bill 10 ways.
If you are torn between booking a self-catering property and one where a chef is included in the rental, we have a selection of properties in-between that offer breakfast service. Alternatively, a cook can be added at an additional cost to many of our villas, which can also be arranged for just one special celebratory supper, as opposed to the duration of the holiday. If the mention of inclusive cook service sparked your interest, be sure to check out our range of villas with cook service.