Product Manager

Jack Organ

I first picked up the 'travel-bug' on my gap year before University... I've not looked back since, and after studying Geography and jetting off at every opportunity, this love for exploring new destinations has grown! With a keen passion for sport, I've been lucky enough to visit some of the world's best stadiums and always try and plan a holiday to coincide with a sporting event. More recently this has included participating in these events also, having recently completed my second marathon in Paris! My career in travel has always focused on Europe's best beach destinations and since joining CV this theme has continued, with responsibility for Spain, Portugal and array of our Greek islands where some of our best (not biased) villas can be found.

Product Manager

Jack Organ

I first picked up the 'travel-bug' on my gap year before University... I've not looked back since, and after studying Geography and jetting off at every opportunity, this love for exploring new destinations has grown! With a keen passion for sport, I've been lucky enough to visit some of the world's best stadiums and always try and plan a holiday to coincide with a sporting event. More recently this has included participating in these events also, having recently completed my second marathon in Paris! My career in travel has always focused on Europe's best beach destinations and since joining CV this theme has continued, with responsibility for Spain, Portugal and array of our Greek islands where some of our best (not biased) villas can be found.