Creating a White Label API Connection

This page is for CV Villa's internal team to instruct them on how to set up a new partner with an API Key for the White Label solution.

To manage White Label Users, select 'Collections' on the left sidebar then select 'White Label Users'  in the 'People' section.

To add a new user, click the '+ New' button.

Add a name for the user at the top of the page.

'Allowed Locations' can be used to limit the villas shared with the White Label User. If no allowed locations are selected then all villas will be shared.

Each of the checkboxes represents an aspect of villa information that it is possible for you to share with the White Label User. Check the box to share the information.

You must put a unique value in the 'API Key' field on the 'General' tab. Provide the user with this key so that they can access the API. Changing this Key will lock the user out until you re-share the new key.

Remember to save your changes and publish.